Thursday, January 24, 2013

Have you conducted a "new look" freight audit recently?

Did you know that the Third Party Freight Payment Industry acknowledges that a post audit makes sense? Did you know that your freight bill processing and carrier negotiations can be optimized at no charge to you?

A freight bill post audit is a useful tool for finding out where problem areas may lie, and can point out weak areas in the payment or processing flow of your freight payment practices. By getting a post audit done, you’ll know just exactly how well your payment process and carriers are performing for your company.

Second post audit recovery services by Freight Revenue Recovery of Miami (FRRM) can help your business save hundreds and even thousands of dollars each year by examining and critiquing your freight carriers contracts, negotiations and payment processing. Are your carrier's invoices and fees all properly billed?

FRRM provides a great way to recover any revenue lost to the carrier's inadvertent overcharges. As we all know, errors can slip through even the most sophisticated payment processes. This is where the FRRM post audit process for paid freight bills comes in.

If you haven’t conducted a freight post audit, or performed a second post audit recently, or never conducted one, it’s time to do so. In these difficult economic times, every dollar counts and FRRM is here to help you improve the process.

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