Friday, December 28, 2012

The Post-Audit Process: A look at what our auditors examine - Part 1

This week we launch the first of a three part series of an in-depth look at the post-audit process. We will share with you what our auditors at Freight Revenue Recovery of Miami (FRRM) typically examine when conducting a post-audit. 
  1. Carrier Vendor: Is this an approved carrier vendor? If not, is this a legitimate based operator carrying the required industry level insurance? Are they licensed for intra or interstate carriage of goods?
  2. Terms of Shipment: Prepaid or Collect: Is your business truly responsible to pay these freight charges?
  3. Description of Goods: Check online sources for B/L’s of PO’s to ascertain if properly described.
  4. Base Price Charged: Is it in full compliance with the contract in place? If no contract is in place, are the charges in line with other comparative shipments in the industry? Why were goods moved in two trailers in one day to the same customer and assessed higher charges when they could have been combined?

FRRM has many base formulas loaded in our system to make sure we get our clients the largest refund guaranteed. 

Next week, we’ll continue with part two of what is examined in the Post-Audit process. 

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